All of our services can be done on-site or at any of our collection sites.

- Non-DOT
- Illinois School Bus
- Pre-employment
- Annual
- WorkSTEPS (certified provider)
Substance Abuse Testing
- DOT lab based 5 panel urine drug screening
- Non-DOT lab based or instant 5 or 9 panel urine drug screening
- Non-DOT lab based or instant 5 or 9 panel saliva drug screening
- Non-DOT lab based 5 or 9 panel hair drug screening
- DOT and non-DOT breath alcohol screening
- Pre-employment drug/alcohol screening
- Post-accident drug/alcohol screening
- Reasonable suspicion drug/alcohol screening
Panel Screenings for Illegal Drugs
Panel screenings for all five of the below:- Marijuana (THC)
- Cocaine
- Opiates (Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Hydrocodone and Oxycodone)
- Amphetamines
Prescription Substance Screenings
Panel screenings for illegal drugs plus four of the below:- Phencyclidine
- Benzodiazepines
- Barbiturates
- Methadone
- Tricyclic Antidepressants
- Propoxyphene
- Mehtylendedioxymethamphetamines
- Buprenorphine
- Cotinine
- K2 (Synthetic Marijuana)
Administrative Services
- Creation of random testing policies for organizations
- Generate random consortium selections for DOT and Non-DOT applications
- Monthly and/or Quarterly reports to verify compliance with substance abuse programs